Anyone can learn languages

This is the vision that has driven the Berlin-based company Babbel since its foundation in 2007. We became aware of Babbel in 2008 as digital and mobile technologies became more and more powerful and comprehensive. Thanks to our long-standing local presence and a shared personal network, we were the first point of contact for the venture capital team in Berlin shortly after its founding.  Together with our then co-investor Kizoo Technology Ventures, we structured the initial financing round in 2008 and have been supporting the company with know-how and network together with other international co-investors in its expansion since then. The Babbel founding team had very ambitious technological goals to give learners the opportunity to work with texts as well as to learn how to speak the language. In contrast to the learning products available at the time, mostly books with accompanying CDs, Babbel created the first fully digital language course.

Currently Babbel offers 14 learning languages and helps self-determined learners to discover the joy of language learning and motivates them to stick with it. The market-leading language learning app offers interactive language courses on the web, on the smartphone and tablet, and now also on Apple Watch. On average, Babbel customers use the app well beyond twelve months. From 4 founders and one employee in 2008 the company grew rapidly to a team of 750 members from more than 50 nations in Berlin and New York. Since 2007, Babbel has helped millions of people learn a new language, and we are incredibly proud to be part of this journey and look forward to what lies ahead.

Investment Manager
Rayk Reitenbach
Scottisch Equity Partners, Reed Elsevier Ventures, Nokia Growth Partners, Kizoo Technology Ventures
Invested since